Poor happy was temprorly paralyzed and needs an urgent surgerty in his spine (laminectomy) which cost $2000 ,this shelter needs your help for this great work so please consider to donateand add your share towards happy's surgery
Please donate (Required $2000)
Hi, this is priya here,it's a Monday morning me with some of my friends went on patrol of animal rescue (as we are volunteering in Street dog shelter on weekends) we got a call from a nearby location reporting dog abuse by a group of boys, so we went there immediately and found a gang of three boys abusing a puppy by using a kitchen knife to make him bleed,and making video of his cry and pain,we were shocked for a second on seeing this,without wasting a minute we had managed to stop the boys from hurting that pup and took him away from them, poor pup he doesn't know what's happening to him he was crying in pain then we had split into two teams ,one to get the pup to the nearby vet and another team to take action and get the identity of those boys, as this happend in a remote are there is no nearby vet or shelter so that we had contacted the emergency helpline of SDS and waited for them to arrive we reached SDS by 3pm they gave first aid and stopped bleeding but unfortunately the pup was unable to move any of his legs or wag his tail the pup has a very deep injury in his neck side and head on seeing this some them in SDS said that he may be in partial paralysis due to the injury ,as this was a Sunday there is no vet service or radiologists nearby,so they sedated him to reduce his pain but (Guru Founder of SDS) strongly said that this may be temporary paralysis and he would be fine after proper treatment and medication with a little hope given by him i had left the shelter,after getting back to home i had contacted my friends for the identity of those boys,they were found as sanjay,jendram and ragu who belongs to a local slum and also found that they had already uploaded some videos on this cruelty on social medias,the very next day i had made a visit to SDS to to look after the poor baby but still now he can't walk ,stand or even eat without anyone's help food was being given in liquid from trough iv fluids and the vets trying to find the cause for his paralyzed condition they says that this may be due to any nerve damage to the spinal cord as the injury was around the neck and his head or this may be due to direct injury on his spinal chord so the said that they said that they are going for an MRI to figure out what was the cause is and also they had said that this is such a height of cruelty on this pup at this age and this need to be punished,also said that guru had named him as "Happy" to indicate that he is going to lead a happy life in a forever home soon Also as per the details collected on the boys sanjay,jendram and ragu who were involved in this cruelty are from a nearby slum in .which Jendram was an orphan who works for daily wages, a complaint was filed against them and their parents in the animal welfare board for which the hearing date will be announced shortly. Two days after the MRI results came and it shows a uneven distribution of pressure on some nerves under the spine which is the cause of happy's temporary paralysis also there is a fracture in one of his facial bone as happy's case is little complicated SDS had decided to consult a neurologist After several tests Dr.Jayadevan suggested to go for a micro hole surgery to relieve bone stress on happy's spinal nerves,so two days before (on the day of consultation) the micro hole surgery was done by Dr.jayadevan at his own clinic following two days of physio there is no improvement on happy's health so today me along with guru went to his clinic to discuss about happy ,after taking another neuro mapping of happy's spine he said that there is chance to make happy walk again by a laminectomy surgery in which a space will be created by removing a part of the lamina that covers your spinal canal which enlarges the spinal canal to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves but this a very complicated surgery and requires two neurologist with a full spec theater and cost upto $2000 ,at first to conform if it is possible in happy's case we had contacted Dr.Rajaram (Dr.jayadevans colleague and a senior neurologist ) immediately he agreed to take a look on happy's reports ,after some discussion with Dr.jayadevan they both agreed to do the surgery together but a laminectomy surgery would cost $2000 + theater rent,$2000 for a single dog will be great burden for SDS in their current financial situation so let's aid SDS in their will to save Happy
Please donate - https://www.paypal.me/streetdogshelter1
Please sign ,share, Donate and take happy in your daily prayers and let's make him happy again
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