Kenya,quit cutting and start planting trees!.

  • av: Lydia M
  • mottagare: Kenyan Goverment

Dear kenya.
I am worried about you. Have you seen or noticed your loss of green? Well I have. I left Kenya a while ago but fortunate to travel back once in a while. What felt different last December 2017 while I was there is to notice how Ruaka/Limuru etc forest like areas and chilly morning zones are becoming concrete jungles...well done for your real estate potential is being achieved! have become a gold mine!...everyone wanting a piece of you and every new title deed holder bragging ohhh, I have a kaplot over there which I want to clear the bushes/trees and start building. NAIROBI, CENTRAL,WESTERN etc proper fertile greenlands but high developing areas blablabla...ok I'll cut this short...cities like Vegas,Dubai, London and other major cities were built on drier lands rather than the preserved and cherished forest,richer, greener water catchment areas. But there is a but in you,mother land,your cities emerged where cool waters ran, where food grew with ease,where the morning dew has the most chill. Deforestation is on the rise in Kenya they are cutting down your trees to build build build but they are not planting elsewhere...the great work of our Hero Nobel prize winner Dr.Wangare Mathai is being undone fast. STOP! KENYA IS DRYING UP!THE DESERT IS EXPANDING,THEY ARE DOING THE BIG CHOP. THE UNWANTED MAKE OVER!.PLANT PLANT PLANT!.

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