Ohio: Make Animal Cruelty a Felony!

Ohio is one of eight states in which the worst animal cruelty acts are only counted as misdemeanors for the first offense. Unfortunately, Ohio State senators left for summer recess before making a decision on House Bill 108, a.k.a. Nitro's Law, a bill that would strengthen animal cruelty punishments.

Nitro's Law is named for a Rottweiler who starved to death in 2008 at a Youngstown boarding kennel. The kennel's operator -- who starved 18 other dogs, eight of whom eventually died -- was convicted of only four misdemeanors. The bill timed out in 2010, and it will time out again at the end of 2012 if senators don't pass it.

Many animal abusers have gone on to abuse and murder human victims. Strengthening animal cruelty laws in Ohio will not only help animals, but may protect human lives as well. Please urge Ohio senators to pass Nitro's Law before the year's end.

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