I Stand With Deyshia Hargave - Teacher arrested for voicing her opinion

  • av: Liz D.
  • mottagare: Vermillion Parish School Board; Abbeville City Marshalls, Louisiana

As you can all see from the video of the event, former teacher of the year Deyshia Hargrave attended a school board meeting in Vermillion Parish. She, like other teachers and parents, had concerns about the school board voting to give the superintendent a $38,000 raise (the avg teacher salary in Louisiana is $49,000), while teachers haven't had a raise in a decade.

Instead of having her concerns and questions answered, she was dragged out, handcuffed and arrested. The school board needs to apologize, answer her questions, dismiss all charges and fire the officer!

She made strong and valid points in her comment to the board but was dismissed. Deyshia was standing up for the children and their future. Teachers have not received a raise for all their hard and teaching in years. The board proceeded to vote for the superintendent raise. When told to leave by a Abbeville City marshall and school resource officer, Deyshia grabbed her belongings and proceeded to walk to the hall that led out the building. The security guard, Reggie Hilts, followed her and then pushed her to the ground and put handcuffs on her. She pleaded with the officer to relax and hear her out but he was NOT having it!

What he did was wrong and it NEEDS to be addressed. What kind of a world are we living in where a superintendent has no care for children? A world where the school board votes for something so ridiculous. They arrested Deyshia and contacted the city police and then put her in a patrol unit. The video shows this all happened in front of numerous small children. It's absolutely disgusting. This city marshall needs to be fired at least. The superintendent should apologize and answer all of Deyshia Hargave's questions.

So superintentendent, How can you not care about these kids? How are you okay with getting a 38k a year raise on top of your 110k salary? Will your conscious be clear while you're driving your free vehicle? Will you sleep perfect at night knowing that the teachers have not been given a raise in 10 YEARS?????? It's disgusting. I stand with Deyshia. If you do as well sign this petition. We live in a world where honest and kind people are being punished for standing up for what they believe in. Shame on all who let this happen to Deyshia. Teachers need to be heard and NOT SILENCED! So many prayers going to Deyshia. 

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