Prosecute GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN for Corrupt Practices and Crimes against Nigerians.

There has been disturbing headline news on the pages of newspapers, electronics media, all social media and blogs about the ways and manners people looted Nigeria treasury and resources to their personal use, All you have been hearing and familiar is nothing but how billions and trillions of currencies were freely shared among themselves with impunity, like 2.1 Billion given to an individual for campaign for GEG, 4.6 Billion for spiritual consultation I guess to ensure victory for GEJ in the last presidential elections, Billions for Nollywood stars, billions for cultists, billions for traditional rulers etc etc all this disbursed to members of the cabals and as a matter of fact this is just from the money meant for procurement of arms and other equipment to fight the Boko Haram insurgents, protect and defend the citizens especially on the affected areas of North Eastern Nigeria, by this development, the military and the innocent citizens were now exposed to arms way with scores falling in their hundreds and thousands (Genocide) because the military could not get the necessary adequate equipment that was supposed to have been purchased with all that money budgeted for that purpose has been looted freely by the people charged with the responsibility to promptly deliver the arms and equipment to get the military combat ready for the fight against the dare devil Boko Haram, but rather they diverted the funds and shared it among the cabals, without confrontation from any quarters (Government & Individuals) under the watchful eyes of Ex president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GEJ) who technically by this implication authorized the disbursement.

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