Demand Change At Stanislaus Shelter

We the undersigned are deeply concerned for the well being of the animals at Stanislaus County Animal Services. We are demanding the following changes be made:
1. Kill notices to go out 48 hours in advance rather than midnight before death date.
2. Once tagged by rescue after death notice has been distributed rather than only giving rescue until 1700 that same day to have the rescued animal LEAVE THE SHELTER said rescue shall have NO LESS THAN 3 business days to work out transportation logistics.
3. We demand shelter staff promote the animals in their care via social media, adoption events, and other advertisements.
4. We shall expect from here on out that shelter staff members be held to a code of conduct and professionalism typical of any staff that works with the public so as to encourage volunteer retention / community engagement.
5. Before any animal is euthanized (with proper notice) shelter staff shall be required to check emails, voicemails, and any other means of communication to ensure that they are not in violation of the Hayden Act by killing an animal that has been tagged by rescue.
6. Shelter administration shall hire a consultant with animal WELFARE expertise to assist in the determination of when it becomes necessary to euthanize for space.
7. Shelter shall contract with an animal behaviorist to provide thorough, comprehensive training to shelter staff on proper evaluations.
8. Before any animal is euthanized for behavior a professional behaviorist must provide an in-person evaluation and sign off on a behavioral euthanasia.

9. Shelter must develop and implement a system in which there is ALWAYS a veterinarian available during normal business hours to handle medical certificates so that out of state rescues may always assist in rescue efforts.

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