Since a few days back, a Bengal Tigress (mother of cubs) has strayed into a small village called 'Lower Manikganj´ in the North Garo Hills district, Meghalaya (Shillong). Apparantely she has attacked lots of livestock, one cow, one dog etc. One human has been killed and another is injured. The authorities are ignoring the issue which is now leading the frustrated and angry villagers to take the problem into their own hands. They want to kill both the tigress and her cubs and have already tried various times.

It is normal behaviour for a tigress to behave this defensive when she has cubs to care for. She´s only trying to protect her family. In most cases when a wild predator stray into villages- the animal gets either re-located or in worst case scenario- killed. If the Forest Department do not act now- this Tiger family will most likely face a very tragic ending. It is only a matter of time.

In December 23- 2008- it was reported about various illegal mining activites that put Meghalaya´s tiger habitat under serious threat. To mention one example- it is not very unusual that tigers become disturbed and /or chased off their territories. They simply need to find a new home and sometimes it happens that they stray into villages. Then the man- animal conflict occurs.

I´m attaching a link to the article about illegal mining in Meghalaya that was published for IndiaToday on December 23 in 2008:


PLEASE TAKE ACTION- SIGN AND SHARE THE PETITION-  make the Forest Department of Meghalaya aware that the world is watching and they need to help re-locate this Tiger family to another area ASAP.

Meghalaya is a globally significant biodiversity hotspot that must be preserved just as much as the Bengal Tiger is an highly endangered animal - not to mention that the tiger is also the National Animal of India and therefor should be given full protection.

Please also write an email to Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan- Minster of Environment and Forests -her mail ID is jayanthi.n@sansad.nic.in

The photo was published in an article for dnaindia.com in 2010 when an old tigress strayed into Satara village around TATR. She attacked and injured a man and the locals were upset that the Forest Department didnt do enough to drive her back into the forest in time. Link http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/1404493/slideshow-villagers-in-tadoba-beat-forest-officials

Please.... Be the voice of the voiceless

Thank you for Your time.

Dear Shri P.B.O. Warjri.

I am writing to you to highlight the issue about the tigress straying into the village of Lower Manikganj. This is a serious matter since humans have been attacked and one even killed. The locals need Your help ASAP and so does this tigress and her cubs. These tigers will most likely be killed unless you help tranqulize them and possibly re-locate them to another area. If this can´t be done I am fearing a very tragic ending will occur.

Since the Bengal tiger is the national animal of India it should be given full protection and concern.

This tigress has been seen with cubs. If she gets killed- the cubs might not survive.

I am fully aware that these man- animal conflicts take place all over India but tragic endings can be avoided.

In 2008 various NGOs in the Meghalaya area got together under the banner of the Chitmang Hills Anti-Mining Forum ( CHAMF) to protest against the mining and construction activities. Illegal mining was starting to threat the tiger habitat in Meghalaya. CHAMF sent a legal notice, seeking remedial action, to the state forest department officials.

CHAMF claimed no clearance was taken under the Forest Conservation Act and the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification before work began near the park. There were no “consent to establish” certificate from the Meghalaya Pollution Control Board, either.

This information was published for IndiaToday.in on December 23, 2008 - link attached: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/Villagers+take+on+Meghalaya+govt+to+save+tigers/1/23385.html

The reason why I´m writing about the illegal mining is because the wildlife of Meghalaya has been criticallyaffected by these activities. To mention one example- it is not very unusual that tigers become disturbed and /or chased off their territories. They simply need to find a new home and sometimes it happens that they stray into villages. Then the man- animal conflict occurs. This is why i´m writing to you and desperately asking for your help to take action and save both tigers and locals before it´s too late.

Please help save this tigress and her cubs.

Best regards



Uppdatera #211 år sedan
Hello everyone!

Got some GOOD news about the Bengal Tigress and her cubs.. according to the source of information- the Tiger family is still safe and is apparately staying at some small hills nearby the village. Forest Department officials have visited the village and assured the villagers of compensation for lost livestock.

This petition gas been extended til September 22 for stronger people power to pressure the FD to make sure they are following what they promised and regarding them taking future actions of the Bengal Tigress and her cubs. Thank you everyone for signing.. some of you even emailed and made calls. This would not have been possible without any of you so BIG THANK YOU!

This will be all for now- still waiting for more news- will keep you posted!

Until then. keep up the good work and please keep sharing the petiton so more can sign.

Thank you xx <3 xx

Uppdatera #111 år sedan
As you all already know- this is an urgent petiton and we have to reach at least 500 signatures (hopefully more) within 4 days. The more signatures- the stronger people power.

So please keep sharing the petition. You´re all doing a great job!!
Thank you for caring!!

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