Stop Kapparos

The humane treatment of all animals is an important issue. The abuse and neglect of livestock runs rampant and needs to be addressed. We mass produce many animals for consumption and unfortunately most of these animals will face abuse at its worst before being slaughtered. Kapparos is slaughter for nothing. While religious freedom is a fine quilt to hide behind it doesn't justify the horrific treatment these animals are forced to endure. 

Kapparos is a Hasidic Jewish ritual performed on the Eve of Yom Kippur. People swing a live chicken over their head three times before cutting the chickens throat. The Jewish population believes that by swinging the chicken over their head, the persons sins are transferred to the chicken and the sins die when the bird dies. Many birds are still alive after having their throats cut and are thrown into garbage bags to suffer until they die. If there are any chickens left at the end of the night they are also thrown into garbage bags alive and in some cases left beside dumpsters to starve to death or suffocate. There are children present during all of this and they have been known to taunt and hurt the chickens while they are in the crates. At the very least, a representative from the Board of Health and the ASPCA should be present during the ritual to ensure that the animals are treated humanely before and during the ritual.

Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Please keep sharing! Please help me to stop this cruel and unnecessary practice. We have to be their voice. Thank you.
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Hello......thank you to everyone who took the time to read my petition and sign. Please share this subject with as many people as possible and ask them to sign also. Together we can try to put a stop to this cruel and unnecessary practice. Thank you again!
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