Investigate SeaWorld: Marine mammals keep dying in their tanks!

  • av: Aaron V.
  • mottagare: Tom Vilsack, US Department of Agriculture; Kevin Shea, Administrator, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS), San Antonio, TX

The tragic news of the death of San Antonio SeaWorld's beloved orca Unna demands action! The USDA is the federal agency that is supposed to keep captive wild animals safe - San Antonio SeaWorld must be investigated. Unna's death is the end of an alleged eight years of sickness - and a lifetime of medication - directly attributable to her horrible life in captivity.

But Unna is not alone - in the last eight months, three other marine mammals have died in captivity in San Antonio SeaWorld - two belugas and a dolphin. These warning signs must be investigated thoroughly, and ultimately, we must stop keeping animals such as these in captivity.

Sign the petition today and help us make sure the USDA doesn't simply listen to SeaWorld's corporate PR. Tell the USDA to investigate San Antonio SeaWorld!

The death of 18 year old orca Unna at San Antonio SeaWorld is deeply troubling. With the recent news of the death of the dolphin Dart, it's clear that more needs to be done to protect marine mammals. Please launch a thorough investigation into the conditions at the theme park, specifically how sick animals are handled and whether appropriate conditions exist to allow marine mammals to recover before being subjected to the stresses of being put on display or made to perform for audiences.

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Did you hear the horrible news? Another marine mammal just died at SeaWorld San Antonio - the death of the dolphin Dart makes 4 since last summer, including Unna the orca. Let's turn up the heat and top 200K signatures demanding a full USDA investigation. Share the petition on FB right now.
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