Bring the NHL to Kansas City

  • av: Connor Miller
  • mottagare: Kansas City and only people from Kansas City Missouri and the state of Kansas can sign this!, Kansas City, MO

First off, Kansas City had the Kansas City Scouts in 1974-76.
Second every NHL pre-season the St. Louis Blues play a game at the Sprint Center. Every preseason game is sold out at the Sprint Center.
Third the state of Kansas has the Wichita Thunder and the Topeka Pilots.
Fourth the University of Kansas has a club team
Fifth reason is the Sprint Center was built in 2007 for an NHL team.
Sixth reason is the Pittsburgh Penguins threaten to relocate to Kansas City if the City of Pittsburgh didn't build a new arena
Seventh reason is Lamar Hunt Jr. bought the Topeka Pilots and the Kansas City Mavericks to help grow hockey in Kansas City.

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