Dog and Wild life Sanctuary BURNED to the ground. Costa Rica
Fire Department omitted the 911 call and let miles of miles of land get burned

Please sign the petition, so the Costa Rican government will do a Proper, Responsible, and Legally Correct investigation and prosecute not only who ever initiated the fire, but also the firefighters  that ignored the two 911 phone calls that could have saved miles of miles of land including my 20 acres of what was going to be an animal sanctuary.

Last 2 March of 2016 at 5:39 am I made the first 911 call because I saw a fire, miles away from the sanctuary, but growing by the second.
I waited for the firemen to arrive but never did, so I called back, ONE HOUR after my first phone call, at 6:21am, when I was told by the operator that the fire department was already at the spot and working on the fire.
I believed them, and went back home. Please check the photos so you can see how far from the sanctuary the fire was:

The next day I received a message at 11am saying the sanctuary was burning. By the time I received the message there was nothing to be done.


I told the Central Office of the Costarican Fire department by phone and by Facebook of what happened, and I let them know this was NOT the first time the Fire department of Esparza didn't answer a 911 phone call, that this fire happened EVERY YEAR, and every year I had to get into an argument with the head of the Fire Department for them to do their job. Naively this year I trusted them, and here are the consequences...

They answer by Facebook, in less than 24hours saying that more than 20 firemen worked at the place from the 2nd of March to the 4th of March... Just by looking at the pictures you know that's a LIE!

Hence I'm asking for your help, this place was the home of millions of insects, including bees, monkeys, iguanas, snakes, and it was going to be the sanctuary and permanent home for 21 adopted rescued dogs, (this is my blog with some photos of the dogs:

And let this be a reminder to the costarican government and firefighters department that:

They have an OBLIGATION to attend all 911 calls in a short period of time,

They have to protect they environment and ecology of the country

They most investigate all complaints in 10 days time, as stated by law

They most apply the law equally through out the population

Letter to:

President Luis Guillermo Solís

Defensoría de los Habitantes de Costa Rica

Ministerio Público de Costa Rica, fiscalía

English translation:

Through this letter me Tatiana Fait plus everybody else who signed, inform and ask you of the following

2 day Wednesday at 5:39 a.m. Mazo I called for the first 911 from my personal cell phone warning of a fire in Mojon, Holy Spirit, Esparza. Puntarenas. School Mojon, 500m.N. tucking down the street September 15 100m. you get to the towers of the ICE and from there you could see well where the fire was happening. I took these pictures from a shack on my farm where it was said fire away my property is observed.


I waited the firefighters for an hour and I called again because they never appeared at the site. The second call was made at 6:21 am where the operator assured me that firefighters had found the fire scene and were working on the site. However, on Thursday I notice that my farm was burning, and it was not until the fire had traveled kilometers and had consumed my farm almost entirely, 8 hectares of land, firefighters arrived. Leaving large huge losses for me, and great ecological / environmental damage in the area.

Here you can see the devastation of the fire:¬if_t=share_comment

You can also see in the Facebook post made on the page of the Firefighters of Costa Rica, who identified as the Comptroller of services of that institution, and in a quite irregular way, in less than 24 hours are pronounced and are terminated the matter.

If this fire had been treated in reasonable time after my first call 911, it had been controlled. However he was allowed to continue for kilometers to burn all my property absolutely.

This is not an isolated incident, between day 11 and 12 March 2015 were made several calls from my cell house and house phone, warning of a fire in Macacona, Nances. Spa The Peacock 150m. E. The petition was also ignored by the fire until the fire spread.

So I ask the prosecution to investigate the facts thoroughly, and admonish with the full weight of the law to those involved in this clear lack of dereliction of duty, false testimony and allow fire culpably and willful.

According with Costa Rican Penal Code

Fraudulent and culpable Wildfires.
Articles 59 and 60 of the Forestry Law.
It is not necessary concerned a forest with all requirements of law, and no matter if the land is forest vocation or not, just that is covered with trees.
Criminal liability in such cases must be based on material evidence of where the fire started, and the connection directly to the course subject, or witnesses who locate performing the fire or communicating its stated intention to cause burning or in the case of body fire its failure to abide by the regulations and promptly extinguish the fire.

Dereliction of duty
ARTICLE 332. shall be punished with twenty to sixty days' fine, the public official who illegally omits, refuses or delays make a proper act of function.

Denial of assistance
ARTICLE 333. shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to two years the boss or law enforcement agent, who refuses, omits or delays the provision of legal assistance required by competent authority.

false witness
ARTICLE 316. shall be punished with imprisonment of one to five years, the witness,
expert, interpreter or translator that will establish a falsehood or truth refuses or says nothing, in whole or in part, in his deposition, reporting, interpretation or translation made by the competent authority.
If the false testimony was committed in a criminal case, to the detriment of the accused, the penalty is two to eight years in prison.

Best Regards

Spanish version:

Por medio de la presente la suscrita Tatiana Fait y todas los aquí firman, se permiten informales de lo siguiente:

El día miércoles 2 de Mazo a las 5:39 am hice la primera llamada al 911 desde el teléfono 84889959 avisando de un incendio en Mojón, Espíritu Santo, Esparza. Puntarenas. De la Escuela de Mojón, 500m.N. metiéndose por la calle 15 de setiembre 100m. se llega a las torres del ICE y desde ahí se podía ver bien donde estaba ocurriendo el incendio. Yo tomé estas fotografías desde un ranchito en mi finca donde se observa lo lejos que estaba dicho incendio de mi propiedad.


Esperé a los bomberos una hora y volví a llamar pues nunca se apersonaron al sitio. La segunda llamada se hizo a las 6:21 am donde la operadora me aseguró que los bomberos ya habían encontrado el lugar del incendio y se encontraban trabajando en el sitio. Sin embargo, el día jueves se me aviso que mi finca se estaba quemando, y no fue hasta que el fuego había recorrido kilómetros y había consumido mi finca casi en su totalidad, 8 hectáreas de terreno, que los bomberos llegaron. Dejando grandes pérdidas millonarias para mi persona, y gran daño ecológico/ambiental en la zona.

Aquí se puede observar la devastación de dicho incendio:¬if_t=share_comment

También se puede observar en la publicación de Facebook hecha en la página de los Bomberos de Costa Rica, que se identifican como la Contraloría de Servicios de dicha institución, y de forma bastante irregular, en menos de 24 horas se pronuncian y dan por terminado el asunto.

Si dicho incendio hubiese sido atendido en el tiempo prudencial después de mi primera llamada al 911, hubiese sido controlado. Sin embargo se permitió que siguiera por kilometros hasta quemar absolutamente toda mi propiedad.

Este no es un incidente aislado, entre el día 11 y 12 de Marzo del 2015 se hicieron varias llamadas desde mi celular y/o casa de habitación avisando de un incendio en Macacona, Nances. Del balneario El Pavo Real 150m. E. Dicha denuncia fue también ignorada por los bomberos, hasta que el incendio se propagó.

Por lo que solicito a la fiscalía investigue los hechos exhaustivamente, y amoneste con todo el peso de la ley a los involucrados en esta clara falta de incumplimiento de deberes, falso testimonio y permitir un incendio de forma culposa y dolosa.

Notificaciones al Fax: 2226-5613

Los Incendios Forestales Dolosos y Culposos.

Artículos 59 y 60 de la Ley Forestal.

No es necesario de que se trate de un bosque con todos los requisitos de ley, y tampoco importa si la vocación del suelo es forestal o no, basta con que esté cubierto con árboles.

La responsabilidad penal en estos casos debe fundarse en prueba material del lugar donde inició el incendio, y la relación directamente al supuesto sujeto, o en testigos que lo ubiquen realizando el incendio o comunicando su intención manifiesta de provocar la quema o en el caso del cuerpo de bomberos su omisión de acatar los reglamentos y apagar con prontitud el incendio.

Incumplimiento de deberes

ARTÍCULO 332.- Será reprimido con veinte a sesenta días multa, el funcionario público que ilegalmente omitiere, rehusare hacer o retardare algún acto propio de función.

Denegación de auxilio

ARTÍCULO 333.- Será reprimido con prisión de tres meses a dos años el jefe o agente de la fuerza pública, que rehusare, omitiere o retardare la prestación de un auxilio legalmente requerido por autoridad competente.

Falso testimonio

ARTÍCULO 316.- Será reprimido con prisión de uno a cinco años, el testigo,
perito, intérprete o traductor que afirmare una falsedad o negare o callare la verdad, en todo o en parte, en su deposición, informe, interpretación o traducción,hecha ante la autoridad competente.
Si el falso testimonio fuere cometido en una causa criminal, en perjuicio del inculpado, la pena será de dos a ocho años de prisión.

Agradeciéndoles se despide:

Through this letter me Tatiana Fait plus everybody else who signed, inform and ask you of the following

2 day Wednesday at 5:39 a.m. Mazo I called for the first 911 from my personal cell phone warning of a fire in Mojon, Holy Spirit, Esparza. Puntarenas. School Mojon, 500m.N. tucking down the street September 15 100m. you get to the towers of the ICE and from there you could see well where the fire was happening. I took these pictures from a shack on my farm where it was said fire away my property is observed.


I waited the firefighters for an hour and I called again because they never appeared at the site. The second call was made at 6:21 am where the operator assured me that firefighters had found the fire scene and were working on the site. However, on Thursday I notice that my farm was burning, and it was not until the fire had traveled kilometers and had consumed my farm almost entirely, 8 hectares of land, firefighters arrived. Leaving large huge losses for me, and great ecological / environmental damage in the area.

Here you can see the devastation of the fire:

You can also see in the Facebook post made on the page of the Firefighters of Costa Rica, who identified as the Comptroller of services of that institution, and in a quite irregular way, in less than 24 hours are pronounced and are terminated the matter.

If this fire had been treated in reasonable time after my first call 911, it had been controlled. However he was allowed to continue for kilometers to burn all my property absolutely.

This is not an isolated incident, between day 11 and 12 March 2015 were made several calls from my cell house and house phone, warning of a fire in Macacona, Nances. Spa The Peacock 150m. E. The petition was also ignored by the fire until the fire spread.

So I ask the prosecution to investigate the facts thoroughly, and admonish with the full weight of the law to those involved in this clear lack of dereliction of duty, false testimony and allow fire culpably and willful.

According with Costa Rican Penal Code

Fraudulent and culpable Wildfires.
Articles 59 and 60 of the Forestry Law.
It is not necessary concerned a forest with all requirements of law, and no matter if the land is forest vocation or not, just that is covered with trees.
Criminal liability in such cases must be based on material evidence of where the fire started, and the connection directly to the course subject, or witnesses who locate performing the fire or communicating its stated intention to cause burning or in the case of body fire its failure to abide by the regulations and promptly extinguish the fire.

Dereliction of duty
ARTICLE 332. shall be punished with twenty to sixty days' fine, the public official who illegally omits, refuses or delays make a proper act of function.

Denial of assistance
ARTICLE 333. shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to two years the boss or law enforcement agent, who refuses, omits or delays the provision of legal assistance required by competent authority.

false witness
ARTICLE 316. shall be punished with imprisonment of one to five years, the witness,
expert, interpreter or translator that will establish a falsehood or truth refuses or says nothing, in whole or in part, in his deposition, reporting, interpretation or translation made by the competent authority.
If the false testimony was committed in a criminal case, to the detriment of the accused, the penalty is two to eight years in prison.

Best Regards

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