North Dakota Needs Tougher Animal Cruelty Laws

There are only two states in the U.S. that do not have felony charges for animal abuse.  North Dakota is one of them.  Two prominent animal rights groups are campaigning to provide legal protection for abused animals with a ballot initiative and proposed legislation.  Help them raise awareness about North Dakota’s lacking animal welfare laws.

No matter what the nature of the crime is, animal abusers in North Dakota can only receive misdemeanor charges from a judge.  One group fighting to protect animals is North Dakotans to Stop Animal Cruelty, a coalition of veterinarians, citizens and other concerned professionals.  The group is currently collecting signatures for a ballot initiative this November that would make it a Class C felony for anyone who engages in intentional and malicious abuse towards a dog, cat or horse.  Offenders could also have to undergo psychiatric treatment and be banned from owning an animal for five years.

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