Torrential Flooding Is Wreaking Havoc Around the World

In New Delhi, India's capital, all schools were closed and people were urged to work from home because of record rainfall. The nearby Yamuna river reached its highest level in 45 years.

In Alcañiz, Spain, an inch of rain fell in just ten minutes. Cars were swept away and roads were split into pieces. 

In the United States, five people were killed in flash floods in the suburbs of Philadelphia.

The climate crisis isn't coming: it's already here. When will the World Bank start acting like it?

Sign now to demand the World Bank actually treat the climate crisis as the emergency it is!

Scientists have repeatedly tried to warn global leaders of the many ways a warming planet will cause more environmental catastrophes. Floods around the world are breaking records – and will only continue to worsen as more greenhouse gasses are emitted into the atmosphere. 

The World Bank is one of the most powerful institutions on earth. These floods are emergencies, and will have massive impacts on public health, infrastructure, and the entire global economy – all of which are central concerns of the World Bank. It is time this institution starts taking climate catastrophe seriously and commits to funding projects that center climate mitigation and help solve the climate crisis! Sign the petition now if you agree!

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