Every year, millions of animals are trapped and then shot for their fur.
Some chew off their limbs in panic as they try to escape. Others have to live through the pain until they are shot in the head. However, some animals get overheated, freeze, or even starve to death due to intense weather conditions and the, at times, unbearable wait that they must go through before they're killed by a trapper.
This hurts the animals psychologically and physically. It especially hurts the babies of these animals who are depending on their parent to come home from hunting. Most of these animals who are trapped will never make it back home, leaving their babies vulnerable and starving. Killing the animal also leaves one less animal for potential predators to eat, which harms the local ecosystem.
Sometimes, animals get trapped that are not meant to be trapped in the first place, such as cats and dogs. This causes them unnecessary harm to innocent animals.
After being killed, the animals are disposed of as if they were garbage. Some still get their fur removed, even if they are conscious and alive. For some animals, you can hear their screams as they are skinned alive, such as minks and rabbits.
A lot of animals are raised on fur farms, but trapping is an important part of the fur industry. If fur trapping is banned, we could potentially be one step closer to ending the fur industry altogether.
Please, urge your state or province to ban trapping!
Other countries are beginning to ban fur trapping and fur farms. It is about time that North America follows their step!
Let's make this world a friendlier place for animals of all kinds!
For additional information, please go to the following sources:
- http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-clothing/fur/fur-trapping/
- https://youtu.be/je-7ZvScO80
- https://youtu.be/EfSk_0QUOGc
This petition can also be found here: https://www.change.org/p/ban-fur-trapping-in-north-america
Every year, millions of animals are trapped and then shot for their fur. Some chew off their limbs in panic as they try to escape. Others have to live through the pain until they are shot in the head. However, some animals get overheated, freeze, or even starve to death due to intense weather conditions and the, at times, unbearable wait that they must go through before they're killed by a trapper.
This hurts the animals psychologically and physically. It especially hurts the babies of these animals who are depending on their parent to come home from hunting.
Most of these animals who are trapped will never make it back home, leaving their babies vulnerable and starving. Killing the animal also leaves one less animal for potential predators to eat, which harms the local ecosystem.
Sometimes, animals get trapped that are not meant to be trapped in the first place, such as cats and dogs. This causes them unnecessary harm to innocent animals.
After being killed, the animals are disposed of as if they were garbage. Some still get their fur removed, even if they are conscious and alive.For some animals, you can hear their screams as they are skinned alive, such as minks and rabbits.
Other countries are beginning to ban fur trapping and fur farms. It is about time that North America follows their step! Let's make this world a friendlier place for animals!
Please, help ban fur trapping in your country! The animals are counting on us.
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