Re-establish the Brodie Park South Management Plan

In 2007 the New Hartford Conservation Commission worked with town officials to formally implement the mowing plan in use at Brodie Park South. The plan was designed to preserve wildlife habitat. Mowing at that time was limited to the perimeter and a few paths through the meadow. Approximately 15 acres were preserved as meadow.
Over several years the unmowed area was reduced to 9+ acres. Despite this reduction, in 2012 a thriving population of birds, bees and butterflies, reptiles, mammals and amphibians existed.
Since then, over the objections of the Conservation Commission, the Brodie Park South Study Committee, Friends of Brodie Park South and other citizens, gradual encroachment by excessive mowing has completely wiped out the habitat area and the wildlife is decimated.
We want to reinstate the original plan in hopes of restoring the meadow and the wildlife population.
Link to REMA Report:

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