Stop Icelandic whaling

  • av: Alec Hopf
  • mottagare: Icelandic Government

Every year in Iceland, thousands and thousands of critically endangered fin whales are killed for their meat, by an Icelandic whaling company, called Hvalur. Kristjan Loftsson, the big boss of Hvalur exports this whale meat to Japan, where it is considered tastier than Minke whale meat.

However, there is a dying market for whale meat in Japan. If every single one of us can sign this petition, then we could help end this cruel slaughter forever.

The following statement was said by Kristjan Loftsson: Whales are just another fish for me, an abundant marine resource, nothing else.

So, if you would like to end the whale slaughter in Iceland, then please sign this petition. 

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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