BC Hydro Is hurting our people.

Subject; BC Hydro / Fortis BC

Objective; To make aware that low income families, growing families, old age pensioners cannot afford these huge increases and to stop the hikes from continuing. To have the new smart meters removed & or investigated for errors, and last but not least, to have the policy changed on BC hydro not being responsible for damages / fires done to homes from malfunctioning smart meters.

The residents of British Columbia are struggling right now. The new "smart meters" were supposed to help us, but so far, it has caused nothing but problems. Some had left BC for the holidays and used ZERO energy, but BC Hydro's smart meters can be viewed online, and said some were using energy when they were not even home. We have Enough power to send to California where they pay less, meanwhile we are losing our shirts. There are no other options available in BC, They are the primary suppliers for power & they have us trapped. They are not responsible for any damages to properties. There have already been homes that have been damaged Via fire to defective Smart meters. This is a human rights issue. Not just a financial one, and this petition will be submitted to every Ombudsman, MP, and Federal Government, possible. PLEASE SIGN AND HELP!

The main focus here is to show goverment officials and the corporation that this really hurts young, growing, families. Senior citizens that are on fixed incomes and to show these parties that even though we are doing everything we can to conserve energy, we are still paying an overzealous  amount. Not to mention, these parties will not fix the dam in Jordan River that is extremely old. They would rather try to get rid of the residents out of their dwelling... When you sign this petition you are opening a lot of doors. Dont forget the election is comming up! This may just work to our advantage!!!

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