No Asphalt Plant next to Edsall Park

Vulcan Materials Company is requesting approval to add an asphalt plant to their site on Industrial Drive in Springfield, Virginia. This is next door to the Edsall Park residential neighborhood, with numerous houses backing up to the Vulcan Materials grounds. The odors and noise from an asphalt plant could have a major detrimental effect on neighbors' quality of life. Some have expressed that they will considering moving if the asphalt plant is approved, but the presence of the asphalt plant will likely lower home values. Asphalt plants do not belong next to residential areas. Sign to let the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and Penny Gross know that we do not want an asphalt plant in our neighborhood.

Note: When you sign, please list the country where you currently live, not your country of origin. Include your zip code in the comments. Thanks!

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