Urge Ringling Brothers to retire all their animals to sanctuaries

  • av: Sharanya K
  • mottagare: Feld Entertainment, owners of the Ringling Brothers Circus
Ringling Brothers has made a huge announcement. They will be closing down after more than 100 years in operation. During the century that they have been in operation, countless animals have suffered abuse and extreme confinement.

The final performances will be in May 2017 but it is not clear what will happen to all the animals that are still with the circus after that time.

Please sign this petition to urge Feld Entertainment, the owners of the Ringling Brothers Circus, to release all remaining animals to reputable sanctuaries. We need to prevent the further confinement and abuse of these sensitive animals.
Dear [decision maker].

As a Care2 member who is passionate about animals and their welfare, I urge you to release all your remaining animals to reputable animal sanctuaries. 

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