Cut taxpayers' funding of prairie dog slaughter!

US Congress will be voting on President’s Obama’s FY 2016 budget bill in late August. This budget includes $92M for Regional Transport District (RTD), Denver, Colorado, FasTrack Southern Rail project.

A colony of prairie dogs living at 10030 Trainstation Circle, Lonetree will be killed by RTD within the next few days for a parking garage. Part of that $92 will be used to cover this cost. 

We believe RTD has no intention of relocating the colony as they claimed. They failed to inform advocates in a timely manner so that advocates can explore relocation sites for the prairie dogs nor did they make further attempts to look for alternative relocation sites after their relocation request was denied by Colorado Park and Wildlife. We have petitioned, urged and begged RTD to delay their Southern Rail extension in Lonetree to allow advocate group more time to relocate but they have refused.

RTD have been very irresponsible in many of their actions and should not be entrusted with our tax dollars. Our tax dollars should not be used to kill innocent animals, especially a keystone species, when relocation is possible.

We need to stand together and tell Washington DC, enough is enough, no more corporate welfare.  Stop wasting hardworking American tax payers money!

Join me and insist that US Congress vote NO to the $92M and no to RTD! Thanks as always for you support.

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