Tell China to ban circus act with horse, lion and tiger and introduce animal welfare laws!

Just a few weeks ago a video surfaced showing a horse being brutally attacked by a tiger and lion during a circus act at the Taiyang circus in Cangzhou City, China. In the video you see the horse frantically trying to get away from the big cats while they hang on to it with their claws. Aside from the fact that it absolutely makes no sense forcing predator and prey together, which is a disaster about to happen, the men responsible don't care all that much that the horse was absolutely terrified and seriously injured. Even more, mr Xu the Taiyang circus' spokesman states it is quite 'normal' for this type of incidents to happen during rehearsals. This is absolute madness and goes to show that animal cruelty in China is still commonplace. China has no animal welfare laws in place!

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