Prosecute Owners of Animals Found in Poor Health in Indiana

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Scott County, Indiana Law Enforcement and Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to demand severe punishment for people found with numerous animals in horrendous conditions. Authorities were contacted from concerned neighbors regarding the poor conditions of some horses and a donkey on the property. They were appalled to find more than horses and a donkey but a total of 44 animals in poor health.

In Austin, Indiana, authorities were called to a home in Scott County due to suspected animal abuse. The alert came from local neighbors concerned about the horrific conditions of the horses and donkeys visible on the property. Little did anyone know that there was at least 44 other animals in very similar conditions inside of the residence. The owners of the animals stated that they were down on their luck and could not care for them, yet they did not seek help, assistance or re-homing of the neglected pets. Instead they chose to let the animals live in squalor. In fact, The owner do not live on-site so they're coming once a day to tend to the animals and that's not enough when you have this many animals that need to be tended to.

Support for the animals came finally from Ms. McIntosh of the Second Chance Ranch Horse Rescue in an effort to take the horses and donkeys. The Sheriff on the scene stated that "Once we got out here we found out there was a lot more animals we were dealing with than just a couple horses." The actual rescue took more than five hours, removing all the animals that had very little filthy water and scarce food.

Ms. McIntosh is caring for more than the horses and donkey but an additional 36 rabbits. She believes the rabbits were never removed from their cages and states "Those poor rabbits are sitting on car mats and pieces of carpet, just saturated with feces and urine." In addition to the horses and rabbits, cats and dogs were also seized. Several animals including hogs, geese, ducks, peacocks and dogs remain on the property The horse had worms and scars from dog attacks. She and other authorities are happy the animals were family in good care.

"This was a good day, a very good day for these animals," said McIntosh. Charges are pending for these owners and need to be held accountable for their negligence and neglect of these animals. There is no excuse because there is always help out there. . Please sign and share this petition in an effort to demand severe punishment for people found with numerous animals in horrendous conditions. Authorities were contacted from concerned neighbors regarding the poor conditions of some horses and a donkey on the property. They were appalled to find more than horses and a donkey but a total of 44 animals in poor health.


Scott County, Indiana Law Enforcement and Judicial System - The people responsible for the 44 animals found on their property in your county need to be held accountable for their neglect and abuse. We all feel bad that they were down on their luck as they state but there is too much help out there for that to be an excuse. They could have called the Humane Society or any number of rescues rather than just leave the animals living in filth! They apparently left the premises, leaving the animals there, coming in once a day to check on them; not enough care for these live, living beings. These owners need to be held accountable with jail time, fines and/or community service in the name of justice for all these abused animals. This is clearly a case of animal cruelty!

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