Tell NYU Medical Center to STOP Animal Experiments

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: NYU Langone Medical Center and School of Medicine

1000's of NYU laboratory animals died during Hurricane Sandy- they were left in basement laboratories to drown.

During disasters which involve power failure, laboratory animals die of heat stroke, fire and drowning with no means to escape. Animals are simply abandoned like expendable equipment.

The reseach facility clearly violated the Animal Welfare Act by failing to provide the availability of emergency, weekend, and holiday care- instead left the animals to die trapped in basement laboratories.


We ask that NYU Langone Medical Center and School of Medicine stop using research animals at the facility and shift from animal experiments to in-vitro tests, human-based studies, and other modern scientific methods.

NYU Langone Medical Center and School of Medicine
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(212) 263-7300

Senior Vice President, Vice Dean for Science, Chief Scientific Officer: Dafna Bar-Sagi, PhD

Associate Dean for Basic Science: Linda Miller, PhD

Associate Dean for Collaborative Science: David Levy, PhD

Office of Collaborative Science- OCS
Senior Director of Research Core Services:Sheenah Mische, PhD

Office of Science and Research (OSR)
Vice President for Science Strategy: Laura Ahlborn

Office of Science and Research (OSR)
Vice President for Science Operations and Transformation:Gregg Fromell, MD

Office of Science and Research (OSR)
OSR Administrator:Anny Fernandez

Office of Research Education (ORE)
Director:Lois Mannon

1000's of NYU laboratory animals died during Hurricane Sandy- they were left in basement laboratories to drown.

During disasters which involve power failure, laboratory animals die of heat stroke, fire and drowning with no means to escape. Animals are simply abandoned like expendable equipment.

The reseach facility clearly violated the Animal Welfare Act by failing to provide the availability of emergency, weekend, and holiday care- instead left the animals to die trapped in basement laboratories.


We ask that NYU Langone Medical Center and School of Medicine stop using research animals at the facility and shift from animal experiments to in-vitro tests, human-based studies, and other modern scientific methods.

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