Mali: End Child Labor in Gold Mines!

Recent reports by organizations like Human Rights Watch have documented child labor being used in Malian gold mines. Children from the ages of 6-17 were forced to use mercury (which is toxic) to get gold, dig pits, work underground in dangerous conditions, and carry & smash ore.

This is forbidden by both Malian law and international law. Instead of addressing the issue, the Malian government has chosen to deny it, refusing to acknowledge evidence that shows child labor being used in the mines. 

Please tell the Mali government to end child labor in gold mines, and help these children receive an education instead! 

Dear Mali Government,

Human Rights Watch and other organizations have revealed that child labor is being used in Mali's gold mines. Children as young as six are being forced to dig pits, use toxic mercury to extract gold, smash and carry ore, and work underground in dangerous conditions.

Instead of acknowledging this, the government has been denying it and refusing to address the issue, which is prohibited by both Malian and international law. 

Please end the use of child labor and promote education instead. Thank you for your time. 

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