Stop the slaughter of Norwegian wolves

The Norwegian government wants to hunt down and kill 47 of the approximately 90 wolves in Norway to keep the livestock save. A few sheeps has been killed by wolves these past years and the government has now decided that 47 wolves, including cubbs, are being killed from October 2016 to march 2017! Please help me stop the slaughter of these poor animals!
Instead they should build fences to keep the livestock safe from other animals and not letting them roam free in the woods!

during this period they plan on killing 3 wolves in the west part of norway, 2 in the southern part, 2 in mid norway, 3 in a county named Oppland and all of these within "the wolf zones". In region 5 which include our capital and the whole eastern part of norway they can kill 13 on the outside of the "wolf zone" and 24 within the zone!!

In 2015 we reached the goal we had for the number of wolves we had in norway to keep the species alive and thriving in norway and now the goverment want to kill 47 of our 93 wolves. over 50%!! including puppies!!! this has to stop!

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