Dont leave the dogs out in the cold

  • av: Pat Losch
  • mottagare: Premier Xavier Bettel

Whether summer or winter, everywhere men sit and beg. Most are scammers who do begging as a work. From 8am to 6m and then it's off home. Sometimes they are also replaced by someone else. A lot of these men are sitting there with dogs. Luxembourg is a dog-friendly country and many gullible people who have more sympathy for the dog than for their owner will then give a euro or more. But I think the dogs or the other animals they sometimes have with them should be taken away from them. If these people want to beg, that's up to them, but these dogs don't belong on the street. They often sell the dogs to people with a heart and then sit there with another dog the next day. I am writing for the country of Luxembourg and I urge the relevant authorities to put an end to this. Luxembourg is always in the forefront when it comes to penalizing people for not following the rules and yes I know what I'm talking about, I've lived here long enough. I am therefore writing to the premier of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel. Make sure that these dogs don't have to freeze on the street now in the coming cold weather. That's why I appeal to the people in Luxembourg. Don't buy these dogs, don't give money to the men. If the scammers get aggressive, call the police. Because they can take the dog away. Please join me to save those dogs. Thank you.

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