I was informed that Notre Dame Preparatory School intentionally omitted the happy news of my wedding from our Alumnae Class Chatter because I married a partner who does not fit with their antiquated ideas of what marriage should look like. I cannot even begin to express my disappointment in an institution that teaches sisterhood and lasting bonds with the school but would intentionally exclude one of its sisters.
I attended Notre Dame Prep from 6th through 12th grade and had hoped this would be an opportunity to reconnect with the school in a positive way. I believed NDP was an institution that valued lifelong relationships with its former students and would be happy to celebrate with me. I am very hurt to know now this is not the case.
After speaking with the headmistress I have learned the school has no intention of correcting the newsletter to include the news of my wedding. Unfortunately for NDP they are content to remain an island of intolerance. The school has chosen to cling to policies of excluding community members instead of embracing their own belief statement, "courageous pursuit of of systemic change, wherever needed, will transform the world." I wish the school had been willing to transform at least my world. The school does not recognize anything about this situation as discriminatory but for me it can be nothing else. It saddens me that discrimination and bigotry exist in the very core of the school but I am still hopeful that some day this can be changed. I hope in the future the school will have a more open mind and learn to embrace all of the wonderful women who once attended.
To the Administration of Notre Dame Preparatory School,
The celebration and shared news of a wedding does not at all conflict with the school's Catholic identity. The Alumnae Class Chatter is a way to share the news of former classmates not to spread the doctrine of the Catholic church. All wedding announcements should be published regardless of the sexual orientation of the people who were married.
Maryland is a unique state in which is citizens voted directly to honor the unions of its same sex couples. 17 states allow same sex marriage to be celebrated. Now is the time for acceptance and change, not censure.
Since this happened I have seen tremendous support from my NDP sisters. the student body, past and present, largely disagree with the school's stance on this, as does the state of Maryland.
I am very sorry this is how the school I formerly had only fond feelings for has chosen to disrespect an alumna. I hope in the future the school will have a more open mind and learn to embrace all of the wonderful women who once attended. Please remember your own belief statement: "We believe that courageous pursuit of systemic change, wherever needed, will transform the world." Change your policy and allow for the sharing of the happy news of ALL alumnae weddings.
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