demand an end to greyhound racing in SA now!

  • av: Tia Cant
  • mottagare: South Australian Parliament

18 000 healthy greyhounds are killed every year throughout Australia. another 7 000 possums, piglets, rabbits, and kittens are killed throughout Australia caused by the live baiting issue. thousands of others are getting shipped off to places like Vietnam, South Korea, Macau, and China. Two of which are known for their illegal dog meat trade. this should be clear evidence to stop the export of greyhounds. If you sign this petition, we can put a stop to greyhound racing and greyhound export in South Australia, and start to put a stop to it throughout Australia.

To the Honourable the Members of the House of Assembly in Parliament assembled –

The petition of the undersigned residents of South Australia and other Australian states


18 000 healthy greyhounds are killed every year throughout Australia. another 7 000 possums, piglets, rabbits, and kittens are killed throughout Australia caused by the live baiting issue. thousands of others are getting shipped off to places like Vietnam, South Korea, Macau, and China. Two of which are known for their illegal dog meat trade. this should be clear evidence to stop the export of greyhounds. If you sign this petition, we can put a stop to greyhound racing and greyhound export in South Australia, and start to put a stop to it throughout Australia.


Your petitioners therefore request that your Honourable House will ban greyound racing in South Australia

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