Veterinarians plea to Lennox army to stop sending emails

Animal advocates calling themselves the Lennox army have been on a massive two day email campaign that are targeting the Veterinarians of Northern Ireland, to stop the euthanasia of Lennox the 7 year old dog seized by Belfast two years ago.

In an email response from Jo Gibson Secretary General of Veterinary Northern Ireland (VetNI); Gibson pleaded with one of the Lennox army members to “stop emailing vets.” Gibson went on to state “productive work is halted due to the volume of e-mails coming through to this office on the subject of poor Lennox.”

With the end of Lennox’s 28 day amnesty which ended at midnight BST, the Belfast City Council (BCC) with no further paper work in front of them; can euthanize Lennox at their discretion. The Lennox army has been sending the emails to vets asking them to “please do not be the vet that kills Lennox.”

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