Stop Toxic Pesticide & Herbicide Use in Rio Rancho, New Mexico

  • av: Artie Vining
  • mottagare: Council of the City of Rio Rancho

Please help Rio Rancho stop the use of harmful pesticides and herbicides!

We respectfully request the Council of the City of Rio Rancho to pass an ordinance to make herbicides and pesticides illegal to be used on any property that is owned or leased by the City including right of ways or streets.

Toxic herbicides and pesticides have been linked to Parkinson’s disease, infertility, cancer and other severe health problems according to a 2013 study published in Entropy magazine by MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff.

Healthier alternatives exist that can be used instead.

The cities of San Francisco CA, Boulder CO, and Santa Fe NM (among many others) have already passed ordinances making the use of herbicides and pesticides illegal.

We respectfully request the Council of the City of Rio Rancho to pass an ordinance to make herbicides and pesticides illegal to be used on any property that is owned or leased by the City including right of ways or streets.

We suggest alternatives to herbicides and pesticides such as industrial strength vinegar as used by Santa Fe for weed control.  Boric acid and Diatomaceous earth are used for pests.

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