Stop Burning Dogs Alive at Ohio Shelter

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Mike Miller, Manager of Fairfield County Dog Shelter

Fairfield County Dog Shelter near Lancaster, Ohio, routinely puts dogs into a gas chamber. Eye witnesses have seen dogs come out still alive only to be thrown into an incinerator for cremation.

50% of the shelter's intake are euthanized using gas chambers, 587 in 2011. Fairfield County is among approximately ten of the eighty-eight Ohio counties that still use the gas chamber to kill county-shelter dogs.

We ask Fairfied County Animal shelter to stop using the inhumane method of using gas chambers to euthanize animals.


Mike Miller- Manager

Fairfield Conty Dog Shelter

1715 Granville Pike            

Lancaster Ohio 43130

Phone (740) 652-7180
Email : DogShelter  


Fairfield County Dog Shelter near Lancaster, Ohio, routinely puts dogs into a gas chamber. Eye witnesses have seen dogs come out still alive only to be thrown into an incinerator for cremation.

50% of the shelter's intake are euthanized using gas chambers, 587 in 2011. Fairfield County is among approximately ten of the eighty-eight Ohio counties that still use the gas chamber to kill county-shelter dogs.

We ask Fairfied County Animal shelter to stop using the inhumane method of using gas chambers to euthanize animals.

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