The Start of Weighted GPA's in District 196

District 196, as most people know, do not use the weighted gpa system, this meaning that honors classes, AP courses, and CIS courses are not worth more points in the gpa system. The problem rests in the gpa's of students who take these relatively difficult courses; gpa's are ruined because of this system. I propose that the school board of district 196 bring the weighted gpa system to the students of district 196.
The weighted gpa system is a particularly fair system for the student that wants to learn more than their peers, knowing that advanced courses will help them in the future. On the contrary, the college credits one may get, or the more knowledge one may receive will mean nothing if their gpa is lowered because of those classes that actually test their minds. The weighted gpa system would ensure that the people who deserve to go to the college of their desire will be able to achieve that goal and not be punished for taking that particular course. This petition should be signed to ensure that students go to the college or university they deserve to go to, so geniuses do not end up in the wrong place, so proper minds do not waste their talent with useless sentiment.

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