Stop Bowhunting Plans in Florida

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: The Suwannee River Water Management District Board
In an attempt to raise funds for land management activities, the Suwannee River Water Management District in Oak Park, Florida, is considering leasing its lands to bowhunters to kill deer.Bowhunting is among the cruelest forms of hunting.

Bowhunters often spend hours following bloody tracks before finding wounded deer. Many are not found, and their deaths are slow and painful. It can take weeks for them to succumb to their injuries.  Separated from their mothers, young and weak animals starve or die of dehydration.

Charging visitor-use fees for hiking, biking, and kayaking would raise funds just as equally. Bowhunting is cruel and unnecessary for of killing to raise funds. We urge the Florida Water Management District to cancel the bowhunting proposal.


District Headquarters
The Suwannee River Water Management District Board
9225 CR 49
Live Oak FL 32060
Phone: 386.362.1001
Email using this Web form

In an attempt to raise funds for land management activities, the Suwannee River Water Management District in Oak Park, Florida, is considering leasing its lands to bowhunters to kill deer.Bowhunting is among the cruelest forms of hunting.

Bowhunters often spend hours following bloody tracks before finding wounded deer. Many are not found, and their deaths are slow and painful. It can take weeks for them to succumb to their injuries.  Separated from their mothers, young and weak animals starve or die of dehydration.

Charging visitor-use fees for hiking, biking, and kayaking would raise funds just as equally. Bowhunting is cruel and unnecessary for of killing to raise funds. We urge the Florida Water Management District to cancel the bowhunting proposal.

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