Save the Congo rainforests!

  • av: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: Democratic Republic of Congo Prime Minister Augustin Matata

Industrial loggers in the Congo have found a sneaky way to get around the logging moratorium. They call themselves "artisans." Artisans are allowed to harvest a modicum of timber for their artwork. However, environmental groups like Greenpeace are blowing the whistle, pointing out that wholesale, commercial logging is being conducted under artisan permits.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is home to Africa's largest rainforest area. Forty million people rely on the Congolese rainforests for their livelihood. When big industries deforest their lands, these local communities receive no benefit. Tell Prime Minister Augustin Matata to stop logging under illegal permits!

We the undersigned beg you to stop illegal logging in the Congo. It appears that industrial and commerical logging are continuing apace, despite a moratorium on such practices, because of a loophole that allows artisans to harvest a modicum of timber for their artwork. Industrialists should not be permitted to cynically exploit this loophole and deforest the Congo! Stop illegal logging!

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