Stop Animal Abuse and Air Pollution at 1847 Hillyard Dr, Clarkston Wa 99403

I have been fighting for ten years to get law enforcment to uphold the animal abuse law's with no response! (except for them harassing me and threatening me for reporting them!) these are the secound owners and they do the same thing's the first owners do, rope baby steers around the neck and snap the rope tight until the cow flips around and smashes head first into the dirt, (team roping they call it) they have killed horses, injured cows, abuse goats and have no respect for the nieghbors by creating more dust than a batch plant making gravel! it's insane! Asotin county law enforcement tells me they have to practice? they wont uphold the laws and are protecting them! they have no problem leaving there animals in a dirt pasture full of manure in 100 deegree weather with no shade, food or water (of course until the cops show up) there dogs bark continuousley as they bash the cows and drag them around with a rope as many times as they want (there are no rules here) and this is not a sanctioned pra rodeo event and thats the only time it is so called legal (wich it is not) if you read the RCW laws and understand them, it's plain and simple, no pain suffering or discomfort to an animal or it is animal abuse a misdemeanor, but they also teach there young children how to do it, by letting them start with picking up a small goat throwing it to the ground slamming there knee into its ribbs and tieing it's feet just to see how fast they can do it! they drink infront of the kids and this makes it a felony! but law enforcment wont act! I have reported them more than I can say, but they ignore me! they do it on a dialy basis, this is a residential area, closed stock range but outside the city limits (about 12-15 blocks in between the two towns, clarkston and asotin but is totaly developed and very nice houses in the nieghbor hood, covered in dirt! and the smell of manure sometimes is way to much to bare! the fallout of dust covers everything on site and inside the house (worse than the dust bowl) we cant keep anything clean in our house, every year the roof of my house closest to there shit hole dust bowl animal abuse areana gets covered in dirt and moss grows on it (check it out on google map) and I have to clean it off (about a wheel barrow full) noxious weeds get deposited in adjacent pastures like mine and kill all my grass,from them feeding there cows contaminated hay and they have no ground cover to keep the dust down, they water the arena but only for about 20 minutes before they ride, the dirt or powdered dirt is 6" deep and would take over 24 hrs of watering to even penetrate that deep and moisten the dirt! and that is a total waist of water for them to perform illegal activites that should not be happining in the firt place! so 10 minutes after they start bashing cows here comes the dust! I cant imagine how many cubic tons of dirt have been deposited right in my yard and feild and in my house, they are nothing but a public newsense and break the law on a daily basis, most of them are freinds that come to bash cow's as well becuase they know they are protected by the law! they all drive coal burners, (diesel's, some modified) and that pollutes the air as well, black shoot, carnasenagents in the air and your lungs that you cant get rid of! please sign my petition to present to Ben Nickoles (prosicuting attourney of Asotin) in an effort to get him to get law enforcement to do there job! and stop harrassing me! also I might add I have reported the nighbors for selling drugs and they did nothing, did not even investigate! the traffic comes and goes all day long!

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