Demand an end to TOO MUCH screen time.

  • av: Jocelynn Serna
  • mottagare: We hope to lower the amount of I ready lessons or make them optional or even better extra credit. We ask that administration takes a look into the excessive work that has been given and evaluate the situation because our kids are being affected, it is too, Pembroke Pines, FL

Our children are being forced to sit in front of a computer for school, long enough as it is, due to this worldwide pandemic. School is no longer fun and interactive how it should be, and what they were accustomed to. They used to enjoy their school days and look forward to attending school. Now they look forward to the end of the school day more then ever, just to finally get up and stretch, socialize with their family, go out doors, play games, etc. Why make it more difficult, more demanding, and more tedious by adding additional busy work and additional online assignments? They have so much work as it is that they can't even finish classwork IN class. They are asked to bring this classwork home for homework, plus the actual homework assignments, plus projects, plus 6 mandatory I ready lessons a week, with ABSOLUTELY NO partial credit. Some teachers even add more I ready lessons a week as well as more online lessons to be reviewed and completed on their own. It is just excessive, unfair, irrational, and needs to change. Us parents have tried to cooperate as much as we could but something has to be done before they are burnt out. These kids deserve SOME free time to disconnect, and try to be normal kids in this crazy time. 

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