Stop Killer Karaoke's Animal Abuse!

On Tru Tv's new reality show Killer Karaoke contestants are frightened by a large tank of water filled with harmless pet breeds of snakes. None of the snakes dumped into the tank of water are meant for swimming and many just sink to the bottom with no hope of reaching the top. The snakes are also at risk for serious injury from the frightened and thrashing contestant. If the snakes somehow manage to survive the tank they can develope deadly respiratory infections from all of the water inhaled. Harming innocent animals for human entertainment is seriously offensive and should not be allowed to continue!

On Tru Tv's new reality show Killer Karaoke contestants are frightened by a large tank of water filled with harmless pet breeds of snakes. None of the snakes dumped into the tank of water are meant for swimming and many just sink to the bottom with no hope of reaching the top. The snakes are also at risk for serious injury from the frightened and thrashing contestant. If the snakes somehow manage to survive the tank they can develope deadly respiratory infections from all of the water inhaled. Harming innocent animals for human entertainment is seriously offensive and should not be allowed to continue!

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