Do away with the ban on pittbulls!!

  • av: Kelly Moen
  • mottagare: Baxter Springs,Ks City Council

Most of us who have agreed to take on the responsibility of animal ownership, love our pets as our own family. In order to establish a healthy relationship between our dogs and our community there is a strong need on the dogs part to be socialized with people and animals outside of the home setting. Even with a breed ban in place, there will still, always be people keeping these animals against city and county laws. Those animals, in turn, are not getting the socialization they need to be good and mild tempered dogs due to the fact that they are being kept behind closed doors, in a secluded pin away from the public, and away from the socialization they so desperately need and want! Responsible owners and perspective owners of these animals in Baxter Springs, Ks are stepping forward to say enough is ENOUGH!
The police Chief told me that there was 3 cases of dog bites in the City of Baxter Springs last year, 2 of which were Pitt Bulls. This is a perfect example of unsocialized dogs and possibly uneducated owners.
I propose that the city of Baxter Springs,Ks do away with the breed ban on the basis of these specific breed owners completing a temperament test with a registered Veterinarian, shots kept current, all applicable leash laws followed, and the dogs being registered with the city.
Please sign this petition to do away with the breed ban on Pitt Bulls! Thank you for your time and I hope that together, we can make a difference in Baxter Springs,Ks and show them what responsible pet ownership looks like!

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