Urge the Queensland Government to Reverse Land Clearing Laws Now!

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk

Unsustainable land-clearing has decimated the the forests and bushland of Queensland, according to a report on Yahoo7 News.

Controversial land clearing laws introduced by the former LNP State Government opened the gates to what has been described as unsustainable clearing.

A report has found that land clearing doubled over the past two years under the laws introduced by the Campbell Government.

The new Labor Government has promised to repeal the laws, which are said to have created a "unsustainable crisis".

However, environmental groups say the new government is moving too slow and should take immediate action.

The news report stated: "WWF-Australia scientist Dr Martin Taylor said: "The delay is unacceptable - bushland that should be protected continues to be bulldozed each week."

The forest and bushland of Queensland must be protected before any more habitat is lost through clearing. Will you join me in urging the Queensland Government to take action now?

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