We demand investigations in EU States to ensure that animal welfare treaties are followed.

We demand that the EU starts an investigation in member states regarding animal protection and welfare.

The European Commission's activities in this area start with the recognition that animals are sentient beings. The general aim is to ensure that animals do not endure avoidable pain or suffering, and obliges the owner/keeper of animals to respect minimum welfare requirements.

Member states that have abandoned and homeless animals are guilty of animal cruelty - because it is the country's authorities to ensure that laws and treaties are followed on animal protection and welfare - to ensure that animals do not endure avoidable pain or suffering.

That these member states are still having abandoned and homeless dogs and cats that can be counted in millions describes a situation that should not occur in a modern Europe and does not tally with the EU treaties.

Since national authorities do not correctly apply EU laws, directives and treaties relating to animal protection and welfare in the European Union, we now require that the EU acts as a judicial body and thoroughly investigates and also establishes statistics on the shortcomings and faults in animal protection and welfare of domestic companion animals in the EU.

This includes abandoned, homeless, or so-called stray dogs and cats - as well as the animals in municipal or private enclosures. An animal's needs and standard of living should not be determined what the EU or individuals call the animal because of the current situation in which the animal finds itself in.

All domestic animals that need human care to survive and that have gone into helplessness because of political or human neglect are particularly vulnerable.


We the undersigned - demands that;

That the EU starts an investigation, which creates a statistics of deficiencies and faults in the member states animals protection and welfare laws regarding companion animals - so that member states can meet EU regulations and treaties, and thus follow them.

A video about the dire plight of Europe's homeless animals:


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