Move Forward With Stricter Enforcement of Animal Cruelty Registry in Kentucky

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Kentucky State Legislators

If you are like myself, you are despondent with the continual news regarding the abuse and cruelty of animals.  These poor creatures are defenseless and cannot speak out in their own right.  Something needs to be done to protect those that cannot help themselves. 

With animal cruelty continually on the rise nationwide, including the state of Kentucky, I have been working diligently to encourage the implementation of animal cruelty registry state-by-state and eventually nationwide. Animal abusers are rarely held accountable for their crimes and often repeat their offenses against other animals.  Facts have also shown that abusers of animals frequently turn to crimes against humans.

Kentucky has a history of animal cruelty and would benefit greatly through an animal cruelty registry. Read, a database would be similar in stature to that of child abusers and sex offenders.  Any person that is found guilty of any type of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect needs to be placed on this database and need to be updated on a regular basis.  Additionally, these abusers need to be banned from future pet ownership or ever working with or caring for them for a lifetime.  The database should then be shared with all breeders, shelters, pet shops and others in the pet industry as a mandatory resource.

In Kentucky alone, penalties are lacking for animal cruelty and neglect for pets and even farm animals.  Dog fighting concerns are also on the rise.  As stated in the document above, “Kentucky is currently the only state that does not prosecute a person who owns an animal for the purpose of fighting.” My effort in this petition is to encourage the Kentucky State Legislators to implement and strictly enforce an animal abuse registry.  This would be a very important step in addresses these abusive issues to stop the abuse.  You can help me in my efforts by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts in favor of such a database.  This is the only way such abuse will end.

Kentucky State Legislators – I strongly urge you to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry that would be similar in stature to that of child abusers and sex offenders.  Any person that is found guilty of any type of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect needs to be placed on this database and need to be updated on a regular basis.  Additionally, these abusers need to be banned from future pet ownership or ever working with or caring for them for a lifetime.  The database should then be shared with all breeders, shelters, pet shops and others in the pet industry as a mandatory resource. Please take a step in protecting these defenseless animals and be their voice.  This is the only way to give them the protection they need.

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