We want you to retract the law that allows cops to shoot our dogs just because the bark or move

  • av: kimberly W
  • mottagare: Federal Judge Eric Clay

Judge Eric Clay We as dog lovers and owners ( especially of pit bulls) ask that you retract this law. It is not fair or right. We feel it aimed at pit bulls and pit bull type dog. And now gun happy cops will be shooting people's pets for no reason! This is America, we have our dogs for companionship and protection. And we the owners of dogs especially pit bulls and pit bull type dogs that this law is a discrimination of our breed of dog. Plus it is stupid to shoot a dog because it barks at you. Plus in the police statement those pit bulls ran to the basement and the cop shot those dogs, that's not right so we the people are petitioning to stop this stupid law because it makes no sense and it is unfair. thank you Kimberly Wright A pitbull owner/ retired trainer

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