​​A Bonded Pair of 1-Year-Old Pitbulls Were Found Emaciated, Abandoned in the Freezing Cold

Winter is here, and for pet owners that means taking extra precautions to keep our furry family members safe and cozy until the spring. That is, unless you're the owner of two pitbulls that were found dumped in a park in Avon, Massachusetts. It's lucky the pair was rescued, since one officer commented that "they wouldn't have survived in the cold much longer."

Whoever did this must be found! Sign the petition to spread the word, and to encourage Avon Police to do their best in the search!

Apparently, the two pitbulls are each just a year old – practically still babies. The pair are extremely bonded, and surely they were grateful to at least have each other for as long as they were out in such harsh conditions. The pitties were also extremely, dangerously skinny when they were rescued – either they had been abandoned for a long time, or whoever had them wasn't bothering to give them proper care and sustenance. No matter what, at the point that they were saved, they had hardly any meat on their bones to insulate them from the Massachusetts winter.

And yet, after all that cruelty and suffering, the two pitbulls have been nothing but sweet and friendly to rescuers. Against all the odds, these animals still just want to love and be loved. 

Whoever did this to them didn't break their spirits. But until they are found and held accountable, who knows what other animals they could be abusing. They dumped these two pitbulls when there were many local shelters – with warm beds, full food bowls, and veterinary care – that would have taken them in. They risked killing these dogs, and they must be stopped until they risk any more lives.

Sign the petition to ask that the Avon Police do everything in their power to find who dumped this pair of sweet, bonded pitbulls!

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