Put An End To Dolphin Drive Hunting in Japan!
Every year, thousands of dolphins and porpoises are killed by being driven into small bays, and then trapped from any entrance to the ocean with nets. Then they are caught, one by one and killed mercilessly by having a metal pin driven through their neck. They are mainly killed for their meat, which is actually dangerous to eat. Toxic levels of mercury and cadmium have been discovered in dolphin meat, possibly linking to the 1700 deaths from mercury poisening in the 1950's. Why are these people putting their own country at risk in the future for a profit being gained in the present?
Dolphins live and thrive on interacting and playing with humans. They have been known to protect humans from sharks and drowning, even though we are the #1 predator to dolphins. Talk about loyalty. It breaks my heart to know that there are people out there taking advantage of this. To keep pods from swimming away during the killing, Japanese fisherman purposely injure dolphins because they know that they will not abandon wounded family members.
Dolphins are the most majestic creatures of the sea, so why are we destroying them? I'm speaking for the safety of Japan and the security of the species. Please sign this petition for the Japanese government to help put an end to dolphin drive hunting in Japan.
We the undersigned are asking and begging you to please consider the safety of Japan by doing something about the dolphin drive hunting taking place. I understand that this hunting is a huge part of Japanese culture, and the meat is a great way to make a profit, but recent discoveries have shown that dolphin meat contains toxic levels of mercury and cadmium, possibly liking to the 1700 deaths from mercury poisening in the 1950's. I speak for the entire country of Japan when I say that dolphin meat is not safe for anyone to eat. I believe there is a reason for the high mercury and cadmium levels in dolphin meat. I believe that it's not natural for humans to consume this meat.
Another thing to consider is extintion. I'm not just talking about the extinction of dolphins. What's to become of man-kind if we keep killing off species after species? Every animal is linked together in a chain. Think about the animals that consume dolphins and porpoises as a vital part of their diet. If dolphins become extinct, there goes a huge part of that animal's diet, which puts that animal at risk for extinction.
Please think about the future of Japan instead of the profit of the present. Please consider the safety of your country, and the security of the species. Dolphins are the most majestic creatures of the sea, and I believe we need to stop destroying them. Please consider this letter. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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