Ban big cat ownership in canada

  • av: Mel
  • mottagare: Gounverment of Canada
Dear government of Canada.It should not be allowed to own a big cat as pet. Tigers, panthers, lions and so on, need to be running free in the wild. People with big cats as pet usually end up getting attacked by them. For example, just on January 11 2010 a big cat owner got killed by his tiger, because he went to see them during feeding time. Please help stop this. No big cat should ever be a pet, let them roam free where they should be. Some animals are not made to be pets. This one one of them. Make the right decision on this. It should not be up to the township, it should be up to the government.
I've seen on the news that a tiger owner got attacked by his tiger. Big cats should not be our pets, they need to be in the wild running free. Please, make it a law that you can't own a big cat a pets. It only ends up to be a disaster in the end for them. If the animal gets free, it will only be shot down by law enforcement, why take that risk? Thank you for your time, hope something will change.
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