Help Save Starving Horses at southeast Vernon County farm

  • av: Jeannie Wray
  • mottagare: Vernon County Prosecutor Lynn M. Ewing III
Since 2008, there have been more than 30 dead horses on the property of Thomas Reardon. It is very disheartening to stand by and know these animals are dying. The horses go for long stretches with no hay or water, even in the depths of winter.

Early this month, two other horses died. One colt was laying down and suffering; it was thrashing around on the ground. The colt had to be euthanized. The State Vet made another visit to the farm and at least two other veterinarians have been there as well.

Sheriff Ron Peckman said the paperwork in the case has been delivered to the Vernon County Prosecutor's Office. But, Vernon County Prosecutor, Lynn M. Ewing III, returned it for further investigation.

To read more on this tragic story:

Please feel free to contact Vernon County prosecuting attorney
Lynn M.Ewing III, To ask what is being done about this case
417 448-5555
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