Free dutch Sea Shepherd activist Erwin Vermeulen

Dutch Sea Shepherd activist Erwin Vermeulen was arrested on Friday 16th of December in Taji, Japan while attempting to make photographs of the transport of dolphins. The animals who were captured in the wild were being transported towards holding basins at the Dolphin Resort Hotel.

Erwin traveled to Japan on his own initiative to investigate the slaughter of dolphins in Taji. His intention was to observe the transport in a peaceful manner and collect footage to reveal to the world what is happening. Annually the Japanese government provides 23.000 licenses to various coastal towns to slaughter dolphins of various species for consumption purposes.

Police claim Erwin shoved a hotel employee even though Erwin strongly denies ever using violence. The arrest seems pre-planned since no witnesses saw him shove the employee and Erwin was not even questioned as police simply approached him and took him away.

According to Sea Shepherd the Japanese authorities use any possibility to remove activists out of Taji.
Out of compassion for the dolphins being slaughtered in Taji, Erwin Vermeulen ventured to Japan at his own expense to devote his time and energy.

His family has not been allowed direct contact with Erwin, and has been ill treated and malnourished during his confinement.
Recently Erwin's trial has started where, if found guilty, he faces 2 years of imprisonment.
Esteemed Madam/Sir,

We the undersigned hereby respectfully ask for your attention regarding the follwing matter.

Erwin Vermeulen, a dutch environmental activist has been arrested in Taji on the 16th of December while attempting to make photographs of the transport of dolphins.
The animals who were captured in the wild were being transported from holding cages towards the Dolphin Resort Hotel.

Mister Vermeulen was arrested on charges of violence for supposedly shoving a hotel employee while there are no witnesses to this occurrence.
Mister Vermeulen strongly denies ever using violence.

Out of compassion for the well being of dolphins in Taiji, Erwin Vermeulen traveled to Japan at his own expense to devote his time and energy.

We the undersigned hereby respectfully request an inquiry into mister Vermeulens arrest.

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