• av: Concerned Citizens
  • mottagare: Mark McArdle, US Dept of Treasury - NCDC, Camden NC - NCHFA, Raleigh
In July, a Florida ABC News source said the US Gov't had allotted over $40-million to help those in danger of foreclosure due to a crisis. Called the Hardest Hit Fund, it helped a woman there within weeks of applying, ABC said.

The fund was also set up to help other "hardest hit" states. But in NC, this same program (NC Foreclosure Prevention Program) can delay the process for months, making the situation worse and CAUSING foreclosure.

NCHFA required going through a HUD-approved agency, which delayed applications so long it frustrated lenders who then refused to cooperate further and began foreclosure proceedings.

( This report on the situation in Michigan shows the situation in N.C. is not isolated. The response of the MI governor echoes what Mark McArdle told one NC homeowner basically, "deal with it yourself."

Help hold these agencies responsible. Tell the Dept of Treasury to oversee the Hardest Hit Fund.
We, the undersigned, aware of the failure of the "Making Home Affordable" and Hardest Hit programs and the lack of government oversight of these programs, insist the Department of Treasury take action to remedy the growing foreclosure crisis.

The newest fund, supposed to help the hardest hit of the hardest hit, is tainted with delays, policy secrecy, and lack of oversight as well.

As director of the Hardest Hit Program, a federally-funded program, we expect you to hold Northeastern Development Corporation and North Carolina Housing Finance Agency and agencies in all other funded states responsible for getting funds to those who are eligible. These agencies, not the homeowner, should pay the consequences caused by their errors or delays.

Thank you for your consideration of these requests.
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