Fair and Equal Representation on the Snoqualmie Valley School Board

The Snoqualmie Valley School Board District Realignment Recommendation does NOT guarantee each valley community fair school board representation and does NOT comply with all state law criteria. This recommendation splitting Snoqualmie's population into 4 pieces (instead of making Snoqualmie its own districts) denies guaranteed representation. This recommendation could also give control of 3 or 4 of the five school board seats to Snoqualmie or North Bend.  This is not fair and equal representation for ALL valley communities.

We ask the Snoqualmie Valley School Board NOT to accept this recommendation.  Instead, realign the districts so each community - Fall City, Snoqualmie and North Bend - has fair, guaranteed school board representation.  For 10 years, Fall City and North Bend have had their own school board seats. It is time Snoqualmie is afforded the same right.

Consider director district realignment options giving Fall City one seat, Snoqualmie 2 seats, and North Bend 2 seats.  This alignment mirrors current census population data AND meets redistricting law criteria.  Please ensure that each state law criteria is met. Those criteria are: districts should be as compact as possible; coincide with existing recognized natural boundaries; and preserve existing communities.  Dividing Snoqualmie's dense, compact population into 4 pieces does not meet these criteria.

Our school district includes three distinct communities - each deserving school board representation. Fair, balanced representation allows for better school board policy and decisions. Please realign the districts giving ALL valley communities fair and equal representation on the SVSD School Board.  Make the school board representative of ALL of its citizens!

For more information a citizen redistricting proposal visit:  http://snoqvalleystudentsuccess.blogspot.com/2011/04/citizen-proposal-for-redistricting.html
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