Dolphins-What's the first thing that comes to your mind? Smiling animals, intelligent ,always happy? What comes to my mind is a picture of them dead! And that is a horrible thing! Dolphins save humans from shipwrecks,drowning, and sharks! What do Japanese fishermen do in return? Kill them for the fun of it. The most famous are kept in captivity. Dolphin meat is selled as whale meat containing toxic levels of mercury.Is that fair? I don't think so! These animals need our help. Please save tem. They save human lives. HELP THEM!! Make a better future for them. They have lives just like us. You can make a difference! Please save these helpless animals. STOP DOLPHIN SLAUGHTER!
We the undersigned have signed this to Save Japan's Dolphins. These helpless animals are killed. The most famous are kept in captivity. Dolphin meat is selled as whale meat and contrains toxic levels of mercury. These dolphins deserve better. They save humans. Let's repay them back. END DOLPHIN SLAUGHTER IN JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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